ResMed AirFit™ P30i: a great CPAP Mask for flexible sleeping & comfort

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EdenSleep EdenSleep

February 19, 2019

4 minute read

Sleep is supposed to be a relaxing time to refresh and recharge the body, and if you’re using CPAP Therapy to manage sleep apnea, then you should be experiencing the benefits of an improvement in sleep quality.

However, it all comes down to how comfortable you feel with your choice of mask.

If you are finding that your sleep is being disturbed by your mask because you can’t sleep comfortably on your front or side, or you’re looking for a change, then the new ResMed AirFit P30i nasal pillows mask may be a great option for you.

A few common issues with CPAP masks may include:
  • Being forced to sleep on your back
  • CPAP tubing interferes with natural movement during sleep
  • Poor seal quality causing air to leak
  • Complicated mechanisms making it difficult to remove the mask
  • It’s a chore to fit and clean
  • Mask size and orientation making it difficult to sleep next to a partner
  • Red pressure marks on the face after use

Do any of these apply to you?

There’s no need to simply put up with mask discomfort, especially when there are further advancements in mask design and technology.

A New Innovation in CPAP Masks - the AirFit P30i

CPAP Masks play one of the most important roles in CPAP therapy, which is why ResMed are dedicated to innovating better, more ergonomic designs to make you feel more comfortable each and every night.

The introduction of the ResMed AirFit P30i is a prime example.

This is their first ever nasal pillows CPAP mask to feature a “top-of-head tube” design, and builds upon the success of the similar AirFit N30i Nasal Cradle Mask - also from ResMed.

Why is the tube upward facing?

Unlike other CPAP nasal pillows masks, which feature a tube coming up from under your chin to the front of the nose (good for people who sleep on their backs), the ResMed AirFit P30i features a “top-of-head tube” design that positions the tube at the top of the head instead.

With this design, air is delivered from the CPAP machine, overhead and downward through the sides of the mask frame and into nose piece.

Being a nasal pillows design, it also uses a pillows cushion instead of a nasal cradle cushion, which creates a better seal as air is directed into the nostrils. The AirFit P30i mask also features ResMed's QuietAir™ vent technology, making it quieter than the similar AirFit N30i Nasal Cradle Mask.

This top-of-head tube design places the majority of the tubing behind you or to your side, rather than in front of your body, giving you the freedom to sleep in many different positions, including on your front or side. These positions were previously inhibited somewhat by the tubes - but no longer!

You can also get closer to your bed partner, wear your glasses to read or watch TV in bed, all without tubing getting in the way!

The ‘elbow connection’ piece which rests at the top of the head is designed to rotate 360º, giving you further freedom of movement, while distributing the weight away from your body, making you feel less weighed down.

So whether you toss and turn at night, or simply want to sleep on your front or side, you have to give the AirFit P30i a try.

Don’t let your CPAP mask hold you down ever again!

We understand that CPAP Masks can be inconvenient at times when you need to make a quick trip.

Do you ever get up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, check on a child or have to go to the bathroom? Then you’ll know that it can be tricky to take your mask off all of the way, and readjusting it can be frustrating, especially when you’re half asleep.

However, the great news is that the ResMed AirFit P30i offers you a solution to this problem!
The quick-release elbow piece which connects the tubing to the mask uses a ‘pinch clip’ mechanism, providing you with an easy way to disconnect and reconnect the mask from the tubing.

With the AirFit P30i, getting up without taking off your mask takes hardly any effort.

This universal connector will work with a variety of devices, not just those manufactured by ResMed! This means you can get the comfort of this new system and potentially not have to change your CPAP machine.

However, unfortunately this mask is not currently compatible with the ResMed AirMini.


The perfect mask for all-night comfort and flexibility

The ResMed AirFit P30i offers you so many benefits towards helping you achieve better quality sleep through its innovative design.

  • Better fit for majority of faces
    Firstly, it features a self-adjusting SpringFit frame which fits perfectly to your face the first time and stays comfortably and securely in place all night, even if you toss and turn.

    In fact, 90% of trial users found the ‘tube-up’ mask very easy to fit and adjust.1

    The AirFit P30i is available in two different frame sizes that aim to deliver a good fit for the vast majority of faces and has three interchangeable cushion sizes, meaning that it can be customised perfectly to you.

    Try the ResMed mask fitting guide to determine which fit is right for you.
  • Less air leakage
    As the nasal pillows mask has two soft silicone "pillows" which are inserted slightly into the nostrils, this helps to create a seal around the nostrils therefore minimising air leakage.

    People who tried the ‘tube-up’ mask have loved it and would take it home as their mask of choice.2

  • Out of sight, out of mind!
    The elbow to hose connection sits at the top of the head, making a less-obtrusive experience that allows you to disconnect and reconnect easily. No front-end tube means the mask stays out of sight and out of the way, so you can sleep closer to your bed partner.

  • Less noise!
    The ResMed AirFit P30i features ResMed's QuietAir™ vent technology, which means that the mask makes far less noise, allowing for a more peaceful sleep.

Is it time for you to make the switch?

Do you already have the alternative ResMed AirFit N30i?

Well, here’s some great news!

If you’re already using the AirFit N30i, you can purchase the AirFit P30i nasal pillows cushion piece individually and swap this with your existing mask gear - which effectively converts it to an AirFit P30i complete unit.



So, for those who love the nasal pillows set up, but also want the “top-of-head tube” configuration, you can now have the best of both worlds!

Want more information on the the AirFit P30i?

At EdenSleep, we always want you to feel well-informed.

So, for more information, see our AirFit P30i product page here which may be able to answer any of your questions.

Or, feel free to contact your local Sleep Professional who can discuss this mask with you and see if it’s a suitable option for you.



ResMed external 7 days clinical study of existing 24 ResMed and non-ResMed patients, conducted between 21/02/2018 - 12/03/2018. Data on file; ID A4320645.


ResMed external fitting study of existing 37 ResMed and non-ResMed patients, conducted between 09/04/2018 - 20/04/2018. Data on file; ID A4327753.

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