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 Mouthguards and Mandibular Advancement Devices

 An option in the treatment of snoring is to use anti-snoring mouthguards. These are different from mouthguards which are bought at a sports store which are used to protect your teeth during sporting activities.

Anti-snoring mouthguards are designed to reposition the jaw whilst sleeping which helps to open the airways and prevent constriction and vibration which are key contributors to snoring.


More about MADs

Anti-snoring mouthguards are also known as Mandibular Advancement Devices (MADs). They work to bring the jaw forward and prevent the tongue from sliding to the back of the mouth while you sleep both of which may obstruct the flow of air to the lungs.

It is commonplace for a dentist to fit anti-snoring mouthguards which are unique to an individual, others may come as a standard fit. Advantages of using oral devices to treat snoring include:

  • it’s small, discreet,
  • lightweight,
  • good for travelling,
  • doesn’t require any batteries or power source. 

Some known issues of using anti-snoring mouthguards include discomfort, some people can find them uncomfortable and get a sore jaw, tongue or tooth pain, others find they produce excess saliva. Some people find they are unable to use such an oral device because their teeth and mouth are not strong enough to support the addition.



EdenSleep offer the Snoremender anti-snoring mouthguard which uses Pressure Shift™ Technology. Which moves pressure away from the weak lower front teeth, and away from the tips of all the teeth, to prevent aching teeth. 


Find out more about SnoreMender

Snoremender is available for order via our EdenSleep shop website, simply click on the buttons below.

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