somnio FAQs

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What can somnio help me with?

The somnio CBT-I program is designed to help you:

  • Get a better understanding of your sleeping problems
  • Manage sleep restricting, ruminating thoughts
  • Learn relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep faster
  • Optimise your sleep times

Ultimately, this may help you sleep better, which may lead to follow-on benefits such as being more able to focus throughout the day and feel more energised.  

Scientific evidence supporting the use of Somnio

somnio is a digital, web-based CBT-I program.  A randomised controlled trial published in 2019, showed that insomnia patients who completed a web-based CBT-I program:

  • Reduced their insomnia symptoms by an average of 50%
  • Reduced their time to fall asleep by an average of 18 minutes
  • Reduced their time awake after falling asleep by an average of 31 minutes
  • Benefits were maintained 12 months after the completion of the program

For more information, see Lorenz, Noah; Heim, Eva; Roetger, Alexander; Birrer, Eva; Maercker, Andreas (2019). Randomized Controlled Trial to Test the Efficacy of an Unguided Online Intervention with Automated Feedback for the Treatment of Insomnia. Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, 47(3):287-302. DOI:  

Who is somnio suitable for?

somnio was designed for people who suffer from the following symptoms:  

  • Insufficient duration and quality of sleep
  • Difficulty falling asleep, sleeping through the night and/or waking up too early in the morning

Where these sleep disturbances occur at least 3 times a week, for at least 1 month and         cause significant distress and/or interfere with social and professional functioning.  

somnio aims to assist insomnia sufferers who, due to their care situation, do not have access to face-to-face treatment methods or prefer a digital approach.

somnio digitally implements the content of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-i), providing those seeking help with faster access to a proven treatment method. 

What is CBT-i?

Cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is recommended by the Australasian Sleep Association as the first line treatment for the management of insomnia1.  CBT-I implements psychological based techniques to help insomnia sufferers improve their ability to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.  CBT-I guides you towards a healthier outlook to sleep and helps address any underlying issues which may be preventing you from getting sufficient sleep each night. CBT-I can be delivered in person or over the phone with a psychologist, or via a digital web app like somnio.  

1. Ree M, Junge M, Cunnington D. Australasian Sleep Association position statement regarding the use of psychological/behavioral treatments in the management of insomnia in adults. Sleep Med. 2017 Aug;36 Suppl 1:S43-S47. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2017.03.017. PMID:28648226 

When can I expect to see improvements?

You will have access to the somnio training program for 10 weeks following your initial registration.  It is recommended that you work through 2-3 modules per week and implement the skills you have learnt in your daily life.  If you keep to this recommendation, you should complete the program within 6 weeks and be starting to see the benefits of improved sleep.  

Why is the topic of relaxation so important?

Relaxation is a crucial component in helping people with insomnia manage their symptoms and improve their sleep quality. Relaxation techniques can help reduce the physical and psychological tension that can keep you awake at night, and which make it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep. Because of this, CBT-I has a focus on learning relaxation and carving out time in the day for its practice.

Where do I redeem my new license code?

Soon after you purchase somnio, the EdenSleep team will send you a unique activation code, along with instructions for registering and accessing the somnio program.  

If you have difficulties accessing somnio, please contact the EdenSleep team here for assistance. 

What if I must interrupt the program for personal reasons, e.g., holiday, illness?

The somnio access period of 10 weeks is long enough that you can complete all the training content even with a few weeks of breaks. You may consider writing down your sleep times during your absence and entering them into your sleep diary afterwards.

Missing the occasional sleep diary input, will not negatively affect the analysis of your sleep data. The gap in the data during the time you are away should not have a negative effect on your course experience. The somnio team will send you a reminder email to you if you miss a few sleep diary entries in a row. If you wish, you can turn these reminders off in your profile.

Which sleep trackers are supported in somnio?

Currently, all activity trackers from the manufacturers Fitbit, Garmin, Polar and Withings are supported. 

How do I connect my sleep tracker with somnio?

To connect your sleep tracker with somnio, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to "Profile" in the menu bar and then to "Connections with trackers". Click on "Manage tracker connections".
  2. There, select the appropriate tracker manufacturer and click on "Connect".
  3. Now you will be redirected to an external page of your tracker manufacturer. Please follow the instructions there and complete the connection process.

A successful connection is displayed in somnio under "Connections with trackers" and can also be recognized by the fact that you can disconnect it under "Manage tracker connections". If the connection is not established, please repeat the process using our browser version with Chrome, Firefox, or Safari:
If you have any problems, please feel free to email  

How to get started with somnio?

You can purchase the somnio digital CBT-I program from EdenSleep here. Once you have purchased somnio, you will receive a 16-digit access code with instruction to access the program.  Once you register, using your access code, you will have 10-weeks to complete the somnio program.  

I can’t register using my access code

Check that you have entered the 16-digit code correctly and, have not entered a "0" instead of an "O". 

If you still can’t register, contact the EdenSleep team here.

I forgot my password – how do I get into my account?
  1. Visit
  2. Click "forgot password"
  3. Enter the email address you used to register with somnio
  4. The somnio team will send you an email with a link to reset your password. Note: the link     to reset your password will expire after 24 hours.

If you still can’t reset your password, contact the EdenSleep team here

What is the typical time investment to complete the somnio program?

It is recommended that you complete your sleep diary every morning and evening while completing the program. These take about 5 to 15 minutes per day.  In addition, there are 11 training modules of 5 to 30 minutes each, which are completed one after the other.

You control the frequency and speed in which you complete the modules. Note: new modules can only be unlocked after three days or three new diary entries.

On average, the modules are completed within 6 to 8 weeks. The sleep diary should be continued beyond this, and your sleep window should continue to be observed and adjusted based on your sleep needs.

Once the program has been completed, you can download a summary of the modules for future reference. 

Why can’t I open the next module?

The general rule for using somnio is that after three days or three new diary entries, the next module is unlocked. This break between the individual modules allows you time to integrate the newly learnt skills into your sleep routine.

You will see the message "1, 2 or 3 entries left" on the start page of the somnio program. Continue to complete the sleep diary as usual until the following module is made available to you.

If the activation of the next module does not open after the three days, please check whether the previous module has been completed in full. You can see this by the small white check mark in the upper left corner of the module screen.

If you see a lock instead of the check mark, the previous module was not fully completed. Open the module again and click on "Continue" to go through the last steps of the module and complete.

Why can’t all training modules be unlocked at once?

The continuous arrangement of the training modules follows the methodology of cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia. In our experience, it helps our users to take a break of 3 days between the modules to internalise and implement the content.

It is certainly possible to spontaneously bring about a change in sleep behaviour. In our experience, however, long-term success and a similar change in sleep behaviour can only be achieved through long-term training. We therefore ask you to be patient when completing the somnio program.

How does the app behave when changing time zones?

The time zones in the somnio program always correspond to the settings in your electronic device. So, for example, if you travel and the time zone is adjusted, it will be automatically applied in somnio.

You can also subsequently record the change in your personal notes of your sleep diary and specify the location of your stay.

If you want to continue the sleep log with the original time, it would be necessary to check which time or time zone your device is oriented to. To do this, go into the device settings and set your device back to the original time zone if necessary.

How does the transfer of my sleep data work and what should I be aware of?

Once you have successfully connected somnio to your sleep tracker, the sleep data from your tracker app will automatically be transferred to your sleep diary as morning logs. Please note that retroactive transfer of data from previous nights is not possible.

To ensure a constant transfer of sleep data into somnio, we recommend synchronising your sleep tracker and the corresponding application as a first step.

Please check your sleep data regularly and adjust it if necessary. Please note that the subjective assessment of sleep quality and, depending on the tracker manufacturer, further data must be added to the morning log (further information in somnio under "Profile" -> "Manage tracker connections"). In this case you will see an exclamation mark instead of a number in the morning log. Click this to add the data.

My data from the sleep tracker is not being transferred. What can I do?

If your sleep data is not transferred, this can have various causes. We therefore ask you to check the following points:

  1. Check the connection status between somnio and your sleep tracker. You can see this in "Profile" ->" Connections with Tracker" -> "Manage Tracker Connections". A successful connection is displayed in somnio under "Connections with trackers" and can also be recognised by the fact that you can disconnect it under "Manage tracker connections".
  2. Check if the sleep data from last night is available in your tracker app or tracker account. Note that a transfer from the sleep tracker to the tracker app may have to be done manually and for some trackers separate permissions for the transfer of sleep data must be granted.
  3. Check if the required permissions have been granted in your tracker account "Thryve". Thryve is a third-party provider responsible for transferring your sleep data from tracker app/tracker account to somnio.

You can use the following links for this purpose:





If these four criteria are met, we would ask you to first disconnect in your profile settings in somnio and then reconnect. If no transmission takes place even after the following night, please feel free to contact the somnio team via  

What notifications will I receive from somnio?

somnio tries to support you during your sleep training to help you get the most out of your sleep training. This includes email reminders if the training is not completed as recommended.

Missing diary entries: The diary entries are recommended to determine opportunities to improve your sleep behaviour as well as to unlock subsequent training modules. For this reason, you will receive a reminder email if no diary entries have been made within 3 days.

Activation of the modules: During your training, new modules will be unlocked following 3 days or 3 sleep diary entries.  These breaks allow you time to consolidate and apply the knowledge you have learned. For this reason, you will receive a reminder email when a new module has been unlocked and you have started a module but not yet finished it.

Expiration License: The license for somnio is valid for 70 days. Within this period, you have enough time to complete your sleep training. To make sure you do not miss the expiration of the license, you will receive timely reminder emails from somnio informing you that your training is only unlocked for a certain time.

How do I set or turn off notifications?

To change your notifications, open somnio in the browser at Then go to the "Profile" in the menu. Here you will find the option to enable or disable the "Newsletter" and "Receive reminders via email" notifications.  

If you encounter any difficulties in doing so, you can also contact our support team at

How can I download my data?

You have the possibility of downloading:

  • your personal user data,  
  • your sleep diary entries,
  • a visual analysis of your sleep data, and  
  • a summary of the somnio program, once the program has been completed in full
How do I delete my account?

You always have the option to delete your somnio account at any time. To do so, go to the "Profile" section in the menu and scroll down to the "Data security" section.  Here you can delete your somnio account.  When the account is deleted, your profile is irrevocably deleted together with all associated data.

If you encounter difficulties deleting your account, please contact the somnio support team at

Are there exclusion criteria for somnio?

The use of somnio is not suitable for persons who are currently in an acute crisis, especially if there are suicidal thoughts and/or intentions.

What data security measures does somnio implement?

All data is stored and processed on servers in Germany where all processing of personal health data is based on an informed consent. Personal data is only used in the context of the therapy, and we do not share any personal data outside of the scope of the application. somnio does not use any personal data for advertisements or similar. All data is anonymised per default, 30 days after your licence period has expired. somnio follows the GDPR guidelines and has an ISO 27001 certified information security management system where they commission regular penetration tests.

Data safety and account deletion: If you do not delete your account, below is how mementor (somnio manufacturer) will handle your account once your access period has been completed:  

  • If you did consent to the data processing, your account will remain for one year after the 70-day training period. This gives you the opportunity to access the data linked to your account if you purchase another somnio program. Two weeks before the end of the one-year period, you will receive written confirmation from mementor that your account and all associated data will be permanently deleted from their system.
  • If you did not give your consent to the data processing, your account will continue to exist for 30 days after the 70-day training and will then be deleted from the mementor system.